Cassondra Westerlind
Principal Architect | Founder

Brian Westerlind
General Contractor | Founder
The Story of OLAF JEAN
Olaf Jean focuses on designing high-end custom homes that bring in the beauty of the outside environment with natural textures that reflect the surrounding landscape. We are dedicated to bringing the heart and soul of Hometown architecture back to it’s roots by allowing local materials, light, and design tell their story.
We are a husband and wife team who met on a project in Aspen, Colorado.
Cassondra is a licensed Architect in the State of Colorado and has a background from CU Boulder for her Undergraduate degree and California College of the Arts in San Francisco for her Masters. She has worked for firms such as Gensler and AD 100 firm Backen Gillam and Kroeger in Sausalito, CA. She moved on to work with a former BGK associate who started his own firm, Eigelberger Architecture and Design. It was early on in her career that she was presented the opportunity to move to Aspen, Colorado where she fell in love both with the architecture... and with the contractor project manager.
Brian, started his career working in Iowa in the medical field and pursued the idea of becoming a doctor, however something didn't feel right and the desire to come back to his hometown was calling. Growing up remodeling and exposed to extensive construction with his Grandfather's Alpine Construction company, Brian's transition into construction was natural. He earned his contractor license for the State of Colorado as well as his Real Estate license to become an associate broker. He too was placed on the dream project located in Aspen, Colorado.
Working both as project managers, one on the architectural side and one on the contracting side, we were cautious to let anything move further than professional. After a few months of coffee exchanges we finally gave in and realized that there was more to this than just "construction." Our love grew and so did the excitement to create together. Since then we married and welcomed our first child into the world. We are excited to take our high end experience and bring it closer to home in New Castle, Colorado and beyond.
We aim to find stories in all that we do whether it's material or atmospheric. We hope that you follow us on our journey as we progress and let us know if you have a project in need!
We would love to collaborate and hear more about your own design stories and ambitions. Connect with us if you want to be a featured collaborator or artisan!
Check out the project we met on below featured on the cover of Mountain Homestyle and featured in Aspen Sojourner!

Architect of Record: Eigelberger Architecture and Design
Contractor of Record: Brikor Associates